Certified Personal Trainer
Vincent Anthony known as “Coach Vincent” is a native of Maryland but raised in many different places. Prior to his 2013 move to Atlanta GA, Coach Vincent resided in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He is an alumnus of the nations first Historically Black College and University, Lincoln University, where he graduated with a Bachelor Degree in English Liberal Arts and a Pre Law Certification. While at Lincoln University, Coach Vincent ran Track and Field under the 37x National Championship Lions. This is where his interest in personal training began. He would go on to run 3 years in the Professional Circuit. Coach Vincent specialty includes; weight training, HIIT Cardio, Dance Fitness and speed and agility conditioning. Coach Vincent is also a professional dancer, credited actor and a published model with multiple businesses under his belt.
Instagram: @iAmVincentAnthony & @Pulse365Fitness
Twitter: @iVincentAnthony